Chemical Treatment Lines and Finishing Robots

To decontaminate surfaces or to improve implant performance

Ligne de traitement chimique

What are we talking about exactly?

We offer various technologies in our automated systems, chemical treatment systems, and lines:

Alkaline Degreasing

Alkaline degreasing is a necessary preparatory step before finishing operations such as sandblasting, polishing, or laser marking. It is followed by rinsing and drying.


Passivation is a chemical process that treats metal with acids to remove free iron from its surface and coat it with an anti-corrosion oxide layer.


Titanium anodizing is an electrochemical process commonly used by manufacturers of medical devices. During pre-treatment before anodizing, the chemical attack removes contamination from the surface and prepares it to achieve a dense and intense color.


Pickling is applied to titanium dental implants to improve their biocompatibility performance, enhancing the comfort and safety of the patient.


We offer robotic cells and chemical treatment lines.

ALPROBOTIC expertise includes:

Icone robot

Gripping parts

Robot handling of parts in baskets or racks, providing flexibility in reference change.

Icone qualité


Automated management of bath parameters (temperature, levels, conductivity, ultrasonics, etc.) and their lifespan ensures consistent chemical treatment quality.

Icone environnement de travail

work environment

Quick-connect systems and vapor extraction help maintain a clean work environment.

Icone sauvegarde

data logging

Production data history in a database.

Icone robot

Gripping parts

Robot handling of parts in baskets or racks, providing flexibility in reference change.

Icone qualité


Automated management of bath parameters (temperature, levels, conductivity, ultrasonics, etc.) and their lifespan ensures consistent chemical treatment quality.

Icone environnement de travail

work environment

Quick-connect systems and vapor extraction help maintain a clean work environment.

Icone sauvegarde

data logging

Production data history in a database.

Our Automated Systems and Automatic Chemical Treatment Machines


Robotic cell for pickling and/or anodizing

LIGN 1xy

Chemical treatment line (degreasing, passivation, final washing, drying)

What Applications Can Our Chemical Treatment Machines and Lines Be Used For?

The primary field of use for our chemical treatment machines is the medical industry (orthopedics, surgery…), but also the aerospace industry.

Various applications include:

Degreasing of parts: medical implants, aerospace parts…
Passivation: medical implants, aerospace parts…
• Operations performed on automated chemical treatment lines with integration of all options: bath temperatures, levels, agitation, oscillation, automatic bath closure…
Anodizing: spinal implants, dental implants
Pickling: dental implants
• Operations performed by transferring baskets or racks via a robot that manages agitation and draining, bath temperature management, levels, draining, and filling…

Also, Discover Our Solutions for:



Generally, parts are handled in baskets (bulk) or placed in racks. The robot or Cartesian arm moves these equipment from tank to tank.

Titanium surgical implants are usually anodized as a mnemonic tool for the surgeon (each color typically represents a specific diameter). Parts are etched in acid to prepare the surface, then anodized in an oxalic acid bath. The anodizing voltage applied to the part determines the color (voltage ranging from 20 to 110 V).

Pickling is a surface treatment process for medical devices made of titanium and titanium alloys, used to create a roughened surface structure on the implants, improving their biological performance in terms of osteointegration.

Usable bath dimensions: 400 x 300 x 500 (h) mm.
For certain applications involving smaller parts (such as dental implants), the usable bath dimensions are: 200 x 300 x 400 (h) mm.

Parts are transported in baskets, racks, or hangers depending on the parts being treated.
The dimensions of the tanks are adapted to the size of the parts and the required annual capacity.
Cycle times per tank range from 1 to 10 minutes depending on the process.
The number of parts treated simultaneously is calculated to achieve the desired cycle time per part. Autonomy is defined and adapted per project.

Wear parts primarily involve components in contact with aggressive baths. The robot does not contact the baths. Additionally, vapor extraction helps eliminate and filter vapors above the acid baths.

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