In accordance with the provisions of French law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, for confidence in the digital economy, the users of the Alprobotic website are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring.

Website Publisher

This website, accessible at the URL (the “Site”), is published by:

Alprobotic SARL, a company with a capital of 100,000 euros, registered with the Grenoble Trade and Companies Register under the number RCS Grenoble 499 247 682, whose registered office is located at 88 rue de Chartreuse 38420 Le Versoud, represented by Lionel Charpin, duly authorized.

The publisher’s individual VAT number is: FR 08 499 247 682.

Rédaction SEO : NM Rédaction
Webmaster : Lydie Labolle


The Site is hosted by Strato, a public limited company based at Otto-Ostrowski-Straße 7, 10249 Berlin, Germany (contact phone or email: +).

Publication Director

Le Directeur de la publication du Site est Lionel Charpin.

Nous contacter

The Publication Director of the Site is Lionel Charpin.
Contact Us
By phone: +
By email:
By mail: 88 rue de Chartreuse 38420 Le Versoud

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